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December 29, 2005
Friday, November 26, 2004
Friday's Links
Advocates for Youth is a non-profit organization dedicated to creating programs and advocating for policies that help young people make informed and responsible decisions about their reproductive and sexual health. CNN released a story on Thursday about President Bush asking for more federal funding for abstinence education, which would preclude discussion of birth control. Advocates for youth has compared studies from ten different states, and has concluded that abstinence education does not work. You can go here to view and send a letter to your representatives, asking them to support comprehensive sex education.
The "War on Terror" is a war on ideology, and we're not sure our President understands the difference. There's no "head" that we can sit down and talk to. The Pentagon has completed a study, and has released a conclusion that our government must "urgently change its approach to understanding and communicating with the Muslim world." You can read the news article here, and the official Pentagon report here. Please note that the actual report is a PDF, and is 111 pages. If you can get through the political jargon, though, it is pretty fascinating reading.
Pakistan has quietly been routing their country for bin Laden and other terrorists. Pakistan's NW Military chief, Lt. General Safdar Hussain, is asking other countries top step up their efforts as well. Perhaps the Mr. Bush might take his advice.
Two More Top Officials Leave CIA. Apparently, at this rate, Porter Goss won't have to fire anyone, as they are quitting left and right. How bad must it be to leave, as a senior member of the CIA, to leave because you can't get along with your new boss?
Daily Kos explains the fundamental difference between taking the bible literally, and using it's allegories in context. The point? Conservatives look at the Bible as "authoritarian," while Progressives look at the bible in terms of "foundational."
Chalmers Johnson, over at Common Dreams, explains why the President and Porter Goss are turning the CIA into the WIA - the Worthless Intelligence Agency.
In My Next Life. Thomas L. Friedman, author of the widely successful "The Lexus and the Olive Tree," gives us an piece on why he'd love to be Tom DeLay, or a House Republican, or even the owner of a Hummer.
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
Tuesday's Links
My Moral Values. We need to use every opportunity we have to show America why the Democrats are truly the party of moral values - equality, justice, strength, freedom, humility, diversity. Please go to the link and contribute your thoughts for possibly inclusion in a full-page ad in the NYT.
Should I Stay or Should I Go? The Army is attempting to call back over 2,000 former soldiers to active duty, most of whom, justifiably, don't want another tour of duty. With the most reserves called up for a war since WWII, it's becoming progressively clearer that Kerry's description of the "back-door draft" was dead on.
Intellectual Property Protection Act. Among other things, this bill (currently sitting in Congress) will make it illegal for you to fast forward through commercials. You read that right. It would also make iTunes illegal. Use the link to the left to find out how to write your Congressman, and let your voice be heard!
The Show Must Go On. Iraq's Interim Prime Minister, Ayad Allawi, has stated that elections will not be delayed, and that they will still occur on January 30th, despite Arab delegates recommending otherwise.
From "joining" to "participating," what is left of the Kerry Campaign will be a part of the Ohio recount. We don't want to get our hopes up - we just want to see things done right.
Liberal, Defined. A transcript of a 1960 speech by John F. Kennedy to the New York Liberal Party. This serves as a reminder of why the word "liberal" isn't a bad thing.
Monday, November 22, 2004
Monday's Links
Did you write a letter to the Washington Post Ombudsman yesterday? If not, do so now! We're not letting this one go! In fact, we're going to avoid linking to the Washington Post for awhile. If you don't know what we're talking about, please click on the link (or scroll down) to read yesterday's post.
Children pay cost of Iraq's chaos. Since the invasion, malnutrition of Iraqi children has nearly doubled. We post a lot of the sad stories about Iraq, not for the "I told you so" factor, but because it's important that we never forget the costs of this ill-conceived war. You rarely see these stories leading...
Bush Plans Effort to Mend Key Alliances. There's a lot of work to do, that's for sure. Our favorite quote is: "The effort stems from the administration's realization that progress on issues that include [the Middle East, Iraq, Iran, and North Korea] is far more likely with the cooperation of allies than if the U.S. worked alone, a White House official said." Really? Isn't this realization coming a few years too late?
CNN reports that "Someone" slipped a provision into the omnibus spending bill that would have allowed two committee chairmen to view any American's tax returns. Part of this is humorous, part of it is pathetic, and part of it is very suspicious, given that the chairmen were Republicans, Republicans control both houses of Congress, yet no one can quite figure out how the passage got there.
No Way Out?, by Christopher Dickey. A look at the likelihood of a successful democratic Iraq without a long-term US military presence. A telling sign? How about the fact that the Iraqi Air Force currently consists of 167 personnel. Unfortunately, there's just no way our troops are coming home any time soon.
Powell's Unfortunate Outburst. Honestly, how can we expect to fight a global war on terrorism if we continue to squander any credibility we may still have? In the latest "Boy Who Cried Wolf" episode, Powell claimed that Iran was seeking a nuclear weapon. Do you believe him?
December 29, 2005
Friday, November 26, 2004
Friday's Links
Advocates for Youth is a non-profit organization dedicated to creating programs and advocating for policies that help young people make informed and responsible decisions about their reproductive and sexual health. CNN released a story on Thursday about President Bush asking for more federal funding for abstinence education, which would preclude discussion of birth control. Advocates for youth has compared studies from ten different states, and has concluded that abstinence education does not work. You can go here to view and send a letter to your representatives, asking them to support comprehensive sex education.
The "War on Terror" is a war on ideology, and we're not sure our President understands the difference. There's no "head" that we can sit down and talk to. The Pentagon has completed a study, and has released a conclusion that our government must "urgently change its approach to understanding and communicating with the Muslim world." You can read the news article here, and the official Pentagon report here. Please note that the actual report is a PDF, and is 111 pages. If you can get through the political jargon, though, it is pretty fascinating reading.
Pakistan has quietly been routing their country for bin Laden and other terrorists. Pakistan's NW Military chief, Lt. General Safdar Hussain, is asking other countries top step up their efforts as well. Perhaps the Mr. Bush might take his advice.
Two More Top Officials Leave CIA. Apparently, at this rate, Porter Goss won't have to fire anyone, as they are quitting left and right. How bad must it be to leave, as a senior member of the CIA, to leave because you can't get along with your new boss?
Daily Kos explains the fundamental difference between taking the bible literally, and using it's allegories in context. The point? Conservatives look at the Bible as "authoritarian," while Progressives look at the bible in terms of "foundational."
Chalmers Johnson, over at Common Dreams, explains why the President and Porter Goss are turning the CIA into the WIA - the Worthless Intelligence Agency.
In My Next Life. Thomas L. Friedman, author of the widely successful "The Lexus and the Olive Tree," gives us an piece on why he'd love to be Tom DeLay, or a House Republican, or even the owner of a Hummer.
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
Tuesday's Links
My Moral Values. We need to use every opportunity we have to show America why the Democrats are truly the party of moral values - equality, justice, strength, freedom, humility, diversity. Please go to the link and contribute your thoughts for possibly inclusion in a full-page ad in the NYT.
Should I Stay or Should I Go? The Army is attempting to call back over 2,000 former soldiers to active duty, most of whom, justifiably, don't want another tour of duty. With the most reserves called up for a war since WWII, it's becoming progressively clearer that Kerry's description of the "back-door draft" was dead on.
Intellectual Property Protection Act. Among other things, this bill (currently sitting in Congress) will make it illegal for you to fast forward through commercials. You read that right. It would also make iTunes illegal. Use the link to the left to find out how to write your Congressman, and let your voice be heard!
The Show Must Go On. Iraq's Interim Prime Minister, Ayad Allawi, has stated that elections will not be delayed, and that they will still occur on January 30th, despite Arab delegates recommending otherwise.
From "joining" to "participating," what is left of the Kerry Campaign will be a part of the Ohio recount. We don't want to get our hopes up - we just want to see things done right.
Liberal, Defined. A transcript of a 1960 speech by John F. Kennedy to the New York Liberal Party. This serves as a reminder of why the word "liberal" isn't a bad thing.
Monday, November 22, 2004
Monday's Links
Did you write a letter to the Washington Post Ombudsman yesterday? If not, do so now! We're not letting this one go! In fact, we're going to avoid linking to the Washington Post for awhile. If you don't know what we're talking about, please click on the link (or scroll down) to read yesterday's post.
Children pay cost of Iraq's chaos. Since the invasion, malnutrition of Iraqi children has nearly doubled. We post a lot of the sad stories about Iraq, not for the "I told you so" factor, but because it's important that we never forget the costs of this ill-conceived war. You rarely see these stories leading...
Bush Plans Effort to Mend Key Alliances. There's a lot of work to do, that's for sure. Our favorite quote is: "The effort stems from the administration's realization that progress on issues that include [the Middle East, Iraq, Iran, and North Korea] is far more likely with the cooperation of allies than if the U.S. worked alone, a White House official said." Really? Isn't this realization coming a few years too late?
CNN reports that "Someone" slipped a provision into the omnibus spending bill that would have allowed two committee chairmen to view any American's tax returns. Part of this is humorous, part of it is pathetic, and part of it is very suspicious, given that the chairmen were Republicans, Republicans control both houses of Congress, yet no one can quite figure out how the passage got there.
No Way Out?, by Christopher Dickey. A look at the likelihood of a successful democratic Iraq without a long-term US military presence. A telling sign? How about the fact that the Iraqi Air Force currently consists of 167 personnel. Unfortunately, there's just no way our troops are coming home any time soon.
Powell's Unfortunate Outburst. Honestly, how can we expect to fight a global war on terrorism if we continue to squander any credibility we may still have? In the latest "Boy Who Cried Wolf" episode, Powell claimed that Iran was seeking a nuclear weapon. Do you believe him?
December 29, 2005
Advocates for Youth is a non-profit organization dedicated to creating programs and advocating for policies that help young people make informed and responsible decisions about their reproductive and sexual health. CNN released a story on Thursday about President Bush asking for more federal funding for abstinence education, which would preclude discussion of birth control. Advocates for youth has compared studies from ten different states, and has concluded that abstinence education does not work. You can go here to view and send a letter to your representatives, asking them to support comprehensive sex education.
The "War on Terror" is a war on ideology, and we're not sure our President understands the difference. There's no "head" that we can sit down and talk to. The Pentagon has completed a study, and has released a conclusion that our government must "urgently change its approach to understanding and communicating with the Muslim world." You can read the news article here, and the official Pentagon report here. Please note that the actual report is a PDF, and is 111 pages. If you can get through the political jargon, though, it is pretty fascinating reading.
Pakistan has quietly been routing their country for bin Laden and other terrorists. Pakistan's NW Military chief, Lt. General Safdar Hussain, is asking other countries top step up their efforts as well. Perhaps the Mr. Bush might take his advice.
Two More Top Officials Leave CIA. Apparently, at this rate, Porter Goss won't have to fire anyone, as they are quitting left and right. How bad must it be to leave, as a senior member of the CIA, to leave because you can't get along with your new boss?
Daily Kos explains the fundamental difference between taking the bible literally, and using it's allegories in context. The point? Conservatives look at the Bible as "authoritarian," while Progressives look at the bible in terms of "foundational."
Chalmers Johnson, over at Common Dreams, explains why the President and Porter Goss are turning the CIA into the WIA - the Worthless Intelligence Agency.
In My Next Life. Thomas L. Friedman, author of the widely successful "The Lexus and the Olive Tree," gives us an piece on why he'd love to be Tom DeLay, or a House Republican, or even the owner of a Hummer.
My Moral Values. We need to use every opportunity we have to show America why the Democrats are truly the party of moral values - equality, justice, strength, freedom, humility, diversity. Please go to the link and contribute your thoughts for possibly inclusion in a full-page ad in the NYT.
Should I Stay or Should I Go? The Army is attempting to call back over 2,000 former soldiers to active duty, most of whom, justifiably, don't want another tour of duty. With the most reserves called up for a war since WWII, it's becoming progressively clearer that Kerry's description of the "back-door draft" was dead on.
Intellectual Property Protection Act. Among other things, this bill (currently sitting in Congress) will make it illegal for you to fast forward through commercials. You read that right. It would also make iTunes illegal. Use the link to the left to find out how to write your Congressman, and let your voice be heard!
The Show Must Go On. Iraq's Interim Prime Minister, Ayad Allawi, has stated that elections will not be delayed, and that they will still occur on January 30th, despite Arab delegates recommending otherwise.
From "joining" to "participating," what is left of the Kerry Campaign will be a part of the Ohio recount. We don't want to get our hopes up - we just want to see things done right.
Liberal, Defined. A transcript of a 1960 speech by John F. Kennedy to the New York Liberal Party. This serves as a reminder of why the word "liberal" isn't a bad thing.
Did you write a letter to the Washington Post Ombudsman yesterday? If not, do so now! We're not letting this one go! In fact, we're going to avoid linking to the Washington Post for awhile. If you don't know what we're talking about, please click on the link (or scroll down) to read yesterday's post.
Children pay cost of Iraq's chaos. Since the invasion, malnutrition of Iraqi children has nearly doubled. We post a lot of the sad stories about Iraq, not for the "I told you so" factor, but because it's important that we never forget the costs of this ill-conceived war. You rarely see these stories leading...
Bush Plans Effort to Mend Key Alliances. There's a lot of work to do, that's for sure. Our favorite quote is: "The effort stems from the administration's realization that progress on issues that include [the Middle East, Iraq, Iran, and North Korea] is far more likely with the cooperation of allies than if the U.S. worked alone, a White House official said." Really? Isn't this realization coming a few years too late?
CNN reports that "Someone" slipped a provision into the omnibus spending bill that would have allowed two committee chairmen to view any American's tax returns. Part of this is humorous, part of it is pathetic, and part of it is very suspicious, given that the chairmen were Republicans, Republicans control both houses of Congress, yet no one can quite figure out how the passage got there.
No Way Out?, by Christopher Dickey. A look at the likelihood of a successful democratic Iraq without a long-term US military presence. A telling sign? How about the fact that the Iraqi Air Force currently consists of 167 personnel. Unfortunately, there's just no way our troops are coming home any time soon.
Powell's Unfortunate Outburst. Honestly, how can we expect to fight a global war on terrorism if we continue to squander any credibility we may still have? In the latest "Boy Who Cried Wolf" episode, Powell claimed that Iran was seeking a nuclear weapon. Do you believe him?