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December 29, 2005
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
Tuesday's Links
My Moral Values. We need to use every opportunity we have to show America why the Democrats are truly the party of moral values - equality, justice, strength, freedom, humility, diversity. Please go to the link and contribute your thoughts for possibly inclusion in a full-page ad in the NYT.
Should I Stay or Should I Go? The Army is attempting to call back over 2,000 former soldiers to active duty, most of whom, justifiably, don't want another tour of duty. With the most reserves called up for a war since WWII, it's becoming progressively clearer that Kerry's description of the "back-door draft" was dead on.
Intellectual Property Protection Act. Among other things, this bill (currently sitting in Congress) will make it illegal for you to fast forward through commercials. You read that right. It would also make iTunes illegal. Use the link to the left to find out how to write your Congressman, and let your voice be heard!
The Show Must Go On. Iraq's Interim Prime Minister, Ayad Allawi, has stated that elections will not be delayed, and that they will still occur on January 30th, despite Arab delegates recommending otherwise.
From "joining" to "participating," what is left of the Kerry Campaign will be a part of the Ohio recount. We don't want to get our hopes up - we just want to see things done right.
Liberal, Defined. A transcript of a 1960 speech by John F. Kennedy to the New York Liberal Party. This serves as a reminder of why the word "liberal" isn't a bad thing.
December 29, 2005
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
Tuesday's Links
My Moral Values. We need to use every opportunity we have to show America why the Democrats are truly the party of moral values - equality, justice, strength, freedom, humility, diversity. Please go to the link and contribute your thoughts for possibly inclusion in a full-page ad in the NYT.
Should I Stay or Should I Go? The Army is attempting to call back over 2,000 former soldiers to active duty, most of whom, justifiably, don't want another tour of duty. With the most reserves called up for a war since WWII, it's becoming progressively clearer that Kerry's description of the "back-door draft" was dead on.
Intellectual Property Protection Act. Among other things, this bill (currently sitting in Congress) will make it illegal for you to fast forward through commercials. You read that right. It would also make iTunes illegal. Use the link to the left to find out how to write your Congressman, and let your voice be heard!
The Show Must Go On. Iraq's Interim Prime Minister, Ayad Allawi, has stated that elections will not be delayed, and that they will still occur on January 30th, despite Arab delegates recommending otherwise.
From "joining" to "participating," what is left of the Kerry Campaign will be a part of the Ohio recount. We don't want to get our hopes up - we just want to see things done right.
Liberal, Defined. A transcript of a 1960 speech by John F. Kennedy to the New York Liberal Party. This serves as a reminder of why the word "liberal" isn't a bad thing.
December 29, 2005
My Moral Values. We need to use every opportunity we have to show America why the Democrats are truly the party of moral values - equality, justice, strength, freedom, humility, diversity. Please go to the link and contribute your thoughts for possibly inclusion in a full-page ad in the NYT.
Should I Stay or Should I Go? The Army is attempting to call back over 2,000 former soldiers to active duty, most of whom, justifiably, don't want another tour of duty. With the most reserves called up for a war since WWII, it's becoming progressively clearer that Kerry's description of the "back-door draft" was dead on.
Intellectual Property Protection Act. Among other things, this bill (currently sitting in Congress) will make it illegal for you to fast forward through commercials. You read that right. It would also make iTunes illegal. Use the link to the left to find out how to write your Congressman, and let your voice be heard!
The Show Must Go On. Iraq's Interim Prime Minister, Ayad Allawi, has stated that elections will not be delayed, and that they will still occur on January 30th, despite Arab delegates recommending otherwise.
From "joining" to "participating," what is left of the Kerry Campaign will be a part of the Ohio recount. We don't want to get our hopes up - we just want to see things done right.
Liberal, Defined. A transcript of a 1960 speech by John F. Kennedy to the New York Liberal Party. This serves as a reminder of why the word "liberal" isn't a bad thing.