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December 29, 2005

Thursday, February 10, 2005


Thursday's Links


Take Action: I Stand with Senator Reid! Those lovely Republicans are at it again, this time launching an incredibly partisan and inflammatory attack on him, trying to "Daschle" him. If you can stomach it, read it here. So much for calls for unity, and Bush's willingness to work with Senate Democrats. Not that we believed them anyways. But, at any rate, Reid so far has proved himself to be much tougher than Daschle - read about his response here. Nevertheless, he can use your support, so go sign the petition asking for Bush to apologize to Reid for this pettiness. Last night, Howard Dean spoke in Washington, DC, and sharply criticized Bush for his slander of Reid, and called for a return of civil discourse. It's good to see many Democrats on the same page with this nonsense, but we need you to make your voice heard, showing the GOP that we won't stand for this.


The Donkey's Flush. Will the New DNC Chief Make Hay? Before we rile you up for today, we want to give you some good news. The DNC actually pulled in more money than the RNC in 2003 and 2004, by about 4 million bucks. But that's not even the important statistic: In 2000, 8% of Bush voters gave to Republicans, while only 7% gave to Democrats. In 2004, 16% of Bush voters gave to Republicans, while 21% gave to Democrats! Now, more Democrats gave less money, but what does that say? The party's full of people who want to make a difference. That's a great start. Next, let's actually develop a functional plan to use that money to take back our government.

21 Iraqi troops die in blast, as officials reassess election's impact. Newsflash! There's still an intolerable amount of violence going on in Iraq, and it's important that we all stay aware of it. The problems didn't just go away after elections, as much as Bush would like to have everyone forget about them. This particular incident may not have involved Americans dying, but it's a sign that the road isn't getting any easier, and American troops really have no end to their tours in sight. Another important point to note in this article: "But with violence having picked up again, U.S. and Iraqi officials are trying to puzzle out whether the voting had any significant effect." Well, to be honest, they allowed Bush to claim success. And isn't that what's really important?

Birth of a Salesman: Pitching Social Security. This is truly pathetic. Our nation's highest elected official is nothing more than a traveling salesman, peddling his half-truths and disinformation to hand-picked crowds of fauning supporters. They eat up his lies and fluff his ego, as he smooth-talks them out of a functioning social security system. You know, we gotta believe that if his ideas really had merit, maybe they wouldn't require so much campaigning.


Bush Bites His Tongue. When was the last time you heard Bush mention North Korea? The "axis of evil" speech? Or maybe when it was brought up during the debates? Nicholas Kristof outlines why North Korea is "the most dangerous failure of U.S. policy these days", and that's saying a lot. But this really shouldn't be surprising - there's much less to gain politically from dealing with North Korea, and, honestly, since invading them isn't a real option, Bush might actually have to face them in a diplomatic situation. And we all know how he likes to handle difficult problems that don't provide him with any political opportunities - leave them alone until they get worse and then someone else has to handle them.

Laura Flanders is a host on Air America Radio, and recently she equated the WMD "crisis" with the Social Security "crisis," insofar as how the administration is handling it. Common Dreams has the transcript up, and we encourage you to check it out. Are you sick of hearing about Social Security? Good. We're getting tired of writing about it. Contact your lawmakers and tell them as much!

We Need More Durbins! Dick Durbin (D-IL), who sits on the Senate Judiciary Committee, could not have been more effective in rooting out the truth during Bush's past judicial nominee hearings. Durbin's the quintissential "Do your job, do it well, and go home" Senator. He is the Democratic Whip in the Senate (Harry Reid's number two), and he is considered a bright spot in the party. You can be sure that once Bush's nominees make it to the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings, Durbin won't be concerned with looking good for the C-SPAN cameras, or impressing his peers. Durbin has built a reputation for fairness, honesty, and seeking out the truth, and no one expects that to change anytime soon. If only we had more like him!


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