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December 29, 2005

Friday, November 26, 2004


Friday's Links


Advocates for Youth is a non-profit organization dedicated to creating programs and advocating for policies that help young people make informed and responsible decisions about their reproductive and sexual health. CNN released a story on Thursday about President Bush asking for more federal funding for abstinence education, which would preclude discussion of birth control. Advocates for youth has compared studies from ten different states, and has concluded that abstinence education does not work. You can go here to view and send a letter to your representatives, asking them to support comprehensive sex education.


The "War on Terror" is a war on ideology, and we're not sure our President understands the difference. There's no "head" that we can sit down and talk to. The Pentagon has completed a study, and has released a conclusion that our government must "urgently change its approach to understanding and communicating with the Muslim world." You can read the news article here, and the official Pentagon report here. Please note that the actual report is a PDF, and is 111 pages. If you can get through the political jargon, though, it is pretty fascinating reading.

Pakistan has quietly been routing their country for bin Laden and other terrorists. Pakistan's NW Military chief, Lt. General Safdar Hussain, is asking other countries top step up their efforts as well. Perhaps the Mr. Bush might take his advice.

Two More Top Officials Leave CIA. Apparently, at this rate, Porter Goss won't have to fire anyone, as they are quitting left and right. How bad must it be to leave, as a senior member of the CIA, to leave because you can't get along with your new boss?


Daily Kos explains the fundamental difference between taking the bible literally, and using it's allegories in context. The point? Conservatives look at the Bible as "authoritarian," while Progressives look at the bible in terms of "foundational."

Chalmers Johnson, over at Common Dreams, explains why the President and Porter Goss are turning the CIA into the WIA - the Worthless Intelligence Agency.

In My Next Life. Thomas L. Friedman, author of the widely successful "The Lexus and the Olive Tree," gives us an piece on why he'd love to be Tom DeLay, or a House Republican, or even the owner of a Hummer.


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