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December 29, 2005
Sunday, August 07, 2005
Sunday's Links
No One Died. What started as the catchy bumper sticker "No One Died When Clinton Lied" is now a vast resource of anti-Bush information. Whether it's talk of impeachment, the $185 trillion (and climbing) dollars that the War in Iraq is costing us, or if you just want to buy a bumber sticker, this website is for you.
Congress Considers Renaming 16th St. In Northwest. And to what would they rename the street (in NW Washington D.C., for those of you who live elsewhere)? Why, to "Ronald Reagan Boulevard" of course. The efforts to rewrite history and deify Reagan continue. We've got an airport and a trade center named after him already. Furthermore, you can be sure the residents of the district have no interest in renaming the street, but it's not like they get a vote. It's absurd that D.C. gets to be the playground for Republicans who want to make partisan statements instead of solve the country's problems. And frankly, we don't like the thought of our children growing up thinking Reagan was a great man, or confused because his name is plastered everywhere. The sad part is that even though Reagan was really nothing special, he's about a billion times "greater" than Bush.
Results Negative in 3rd Possible Case of Mad Cow. With the Bush Administration so concerned about countries refusing to import U.S. beef, this administration's guidelines for mad cow testing are coming to the forefront. In this particular case, although the cow tested negative, a veteranarian was confused in what the process for testing was. What frustrates us the is the lacadazical attitude with which the Bush administration looks at Mad Cow disease. Shouldn't we be more concerned about the food we eat?
In Congress, the GOP Embraces Its Spending Side. Or, as Republicans would say, "Show Us the Pork!" You see, the GOP, which traditionally claims to be the party of "fiscal responsibility" is now on recess from Congress, and House Republicans couldn't be happier with the amount of money they've spent. But unless you're a business friend of Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-IL), a wall in New York or a deer, none of that spending will really help you. The amount of spending by the House is truly staggering, and will put us even more in debt by 2010. We need to get these fiscally irresponsible Republicans out of office before they can do even more harm!
Labor's Problems Touch You and Me. It may have been easy for you to gloss over the recent news about organized labor splitting up. After all, we frequently hear jokes about picket lines and Jimmy Hoffa, but the fact of the matter is that unions are a critical part of the nation. While a corporate fat cat can easily afford a couple of congressmen with just a flick of the wallet, blue collar workers don't quite have that level of purchasing or lobbying power. But the unions found strength in numbers. They worked to level the playing field, and make sure that the people that build the American economy - the ones that actually do the heavy lifting - aren't exploited. As such, it's not too surprising that they hugely Democratic. The labor split is quite frightening. It might leave a gap in not only the voting bloc, but also in the group of those speaking up for the little guy.
Forget the War? Many Can't. Unless you have a friend or family member serving in Iraq, the numbers of those who have died can be hard to accept, and may even be tiresome to hear. 1,827 Americans and counting. But we also can't forget the 13,559 Americans who were wounded in combat as well, like Specialist Fourth Class Hugo Luis Gonzalez, who has lost his sight. Gonzalez is 32, with a new wife who is 27. Bob Herbert writes Gonzalez's story, which reminds us that this War is not just making lives difficult for us here at home, and not just killing Americans, but we must also be willing to help the wounded. Actually, Herbert's story is another example of why we need better leaderhsip to end this War all together, but that's a different story.
Blogger Commentary
Losing Our Heads. The Cunning Realist brings us an under-the-fence bit of information. Apparently, the International Association of Chiefs of Police have decided that the best way to deal with a suicide bomber is to shoot him/her in the head. They've made that authorization, which will be passed to policemen and women across the world. A suspect might display "nervousness, an unwillingness to make eye contact or excessive sweating." As TCR points out, that's pretty much the population of New York City, who are now being bag searched (well, if you fit the racial profile for the bag checking). Another clear example of Americans sacrificing their ideals and morals to feel safer, because this way is easier.
Republican Blogger Suggest "Fraud" a "Possibility" In Clermont County. Brad brings us a right-wing red-state blogger questions what the heck is going on in Ohio. During the special election last week that saw Paul Hackett lose a close one, even more irregularities were found. We know that the state of Ohio is pretty evenly divided, and we know that the Republican leadership in Ohio is frantic to keep the state a red state, so none of this surprises us. What does surprise us is that nothing's been done yet. The Toledo Blade has been a good source for investigating the problems with voting (and corrupt government in general) in Ohio, but more needs to be looked at.
December 29, 2005
Sunday, August 07, 2005
Sunday's Links
No One Died. What started as the catchy bumper sticker "No One Died When Clinton Lied" is now a vast resource of anti-Bush information. Whether it's talk of impeachment, the $185 trillion (and climbing) dollars that the War in Iraq is costing us, or if you just want to buy a bumber sticker, this website is for you.
Congress Considers Renaming 16th St. In Northwest. And to what would they rename the street (in NW Washington D.C., for those of you who live elsewhere)? Why, to "Ronald Reagan Boulevard" of course. The efforts to rewrite history and deify Reagan continue. We've got an airport and a trade center named after him already. Furthermore, you can be sure the residents of the district have no interest in renaming the street, but it's not like they get a vote. It's absurd that D.C. gets to be the playground for Republicans who want to make partisan statements instead of solve the country's problems. And frankly, we don't like the thought of our children growing up thinking Reagan was a great man, or confused because his name is plastered everywhere. The sad part is that even though Reagan was really nothing special, he's about a billion times "greater" than Bush.
Results Negative in 3rd Possible Case of Mad Cow. With the Bush Administration so concerned about countries refusing to import U.S. beef, this administration's guidelines for mad cow testing are coming to the forefront. In this particular case, although the cow tested negative, a veteranarian was confused in what the process for testing was. What frustrates us the is the lacadazical attitude with which the Bush administration looks at Mad Cow disease. Shouldn't we be more concerned about the food we eat?
In Congress, the GOP Embraces Its Spending Side. Or, as Republicans would say, "Show Us the Pork!" You see, the GOP, which traditionally claims to be the party of "fiscal responsibility" is now on recess from Congress, and House Republicans couldn't be happier with the amount of money they've spent. But unless you're a business friend of Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-IL), a wall in New York or a deer, none of that spending will really help you. The amount of spending by the House is truly staggering, and will put us even more in debt by 2010. We need to get these fiscally irresponsible Republicans out of office before they can do even more harm!
Labor's Problems Touch You and Me. It may have been easy for you to gloss over the recent news about organized labor splitting up. After all, we frequently hear jokes about picket lines and Jimmy Hoffa, but the fact of the matter is that unions are a critical part of the nation. While a corporate fat cat can easily afford a couple of congressmen with just a flick of the wallet, blue collar workers don't quite have that level of purchasing or lobbying power. But the unions found strength in numbers. They worked to level the playing field, and make sure that the people that build the American economy - the ones that actually do the heavy lifting - aren't exploited. As such, it's not too surprising that they hugely Democratic. The labor split is quite frightening. It might leave a gap in not only the voting bloc, but also in the group of those speaking up for the little guy.
Forget the War? Many Can't. Unless you have a friend or family member serving in Iraq, the numbers of those who have died can be hard to accept, and may even be tiresome to hear. 1,827 Americans and counting. But we also can't forget the 13,559 Americans who were wounded in combat as well, like Specialist Fourth Class Hugo Luis Gonzalez, who has lost his sight. Gonzalez is 32, with a new wife who is 27. Bob Herbert writes Gonzalez's story, which reminds us that this War is not just making lives difficult for us here at home, and not just killing Americans, but we must also be willing to help the wounded. Actually, Herbert's story is another example of why we need better leaderhsip to end this War all together, but that's a different story.
Blogger Commentary
Losing Our Heads. The Cunning Realist brings us an under-the-fence bit of information. Apparently, the International Association of Chiefs of Police have decided that the best way to deal with a suicide bomber is to shoot him/her in the head. They've made that authorization, which will be passed to policemen and women across the world. A suspect might display "nervousness, an unwillingness to make eye contact or excessive sweating." As TCR points out, that's pretty much the population of New York City, who are now being bag searched (well, if you fit the racial profile for the bag checking). Another clear example of Americans sacrificing their ideals and morals to feel safer, because this way is easier.
Republican Blogger Suggest "Fraud" a "Possibility" In Clermont County. Brad brings us a right-wing red-state blogger questions what the heck is going on in Ohio. During the special election last week that saw Paul Hackett lose a close one, even more irregularities were found. We know that the state of Ohio is pretty evenly divided, and we know that the Republican leadership in Ohio is frantic to keep the state a red state, so none of this surprises us. What does surprise us is that nothing's been done yet. The Toledo Blade has been a good source for investigating the problems with voting (and corrupt government in general) in Ohio, but more needs to be looked at.
December 29, 2005
No One Died. What started as the catchy bumper sticker "No One Died When Clinton Lied" is now a vast resource of anti-Bush information. Whether it's talk of impeachment, the $185 trillion (and climbing) dollars that the War in Iraq is costing us, or if you just want to buy a bumber sticker, this website is for you.
Congress Considers Renaming 16th St. In Northwest. And to what would they rename the street (in NW Washington D.C., for those of you who live elsewhere)? Why, to "Ronald Reagan Boulevard" of course. The efforts to rewrite history and deify Reagan continue. We've got an airport and a trade center named after him already. Furthermore, you can be sure the residents of the district have no interest in renaming the street, but it's not like they get a vote. It's absurd that D.C. gets to be the playground for Republicans who want to make partisan statements instead of solve the country's problems. And frankly, we don't like the thought of our children growing up thinking Reagan was a great man, or confused because his name is plastered everywhere. The sad part is that even though Reagan was really nothing special, he's about a billion times "greater" than Bush.
Results Negative in 3rd Possible Case of Mad Cow. With the Bush Administration so concerned about countries refusing to import U.S. beef, this administration's guidelines for mad cow testing are coming to the forefront. In this particular case, although the cow tested negative, a veteranarian was confused in what the process for testing was. What frustrates us the is the lacadazical attitude with which the Bush administration looks at Mad Cow disease. Shouldn't we be more concerned about the food we eat?
In Congress, the GOP Embraces Its Spending Side. Or, as Republicans would say, "Show Us the Pork!" You see, the GOP, which traditionally claims to be the party of "fiscal responsibility" is now on recess from Congress, and House Republicans couldn't be happier with the amount of money they've spent. But unless you're a business friend of Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-IL), a wall in New York or a deer, none of that spending will really help you. The amount of spending by the House is truly staggering, and will put us even more in debt by 2010. We need to get these fiscally irresponsible Republicans out of office before they can do even more harm!
Labor's Problems Touch You and Me. It may have been easy for you to gloss over the recent news about organized labor splitting up. After all, we frequently hear jokes about picket lines and Jimmy Hoffa, but the fact of the matter is that unions are a critical part of the nation. While a corporate fat cat can easily afford a couple of congressmen with just a flick of the wallet, blue collar workers don't quite have that level of purchasing or lobbying power. But the unions found strength in numbers. They worked to level the playing field, and make sure that the people that build the American economy - the ones that actually do the heavy lifting - aren't exploited. As such, it's not too surprising that they hugely Democratic. The labor split is quite frightening. It might leave a gap in not only the voting bloc, but also in the group of those speaking up for the little guy.
Forget the War? Many Can't. Unless you have a friend or family member serving in Iraq, the numbers of those who have died can be hard to accept, and may even be tiresome to hear. 1,827 Americans and counting. But we also can't forget the 13,559 Americans who were wounded in combat as well, like Specialist Fourth Class Hugo Luis Gonzalez, who has lost his sight. Gonzalez is 32, with a new wife who is 27. Bob Herbert writes Gonzalez's story, which reminds us that this War is not just making lives difficult for us here at home, and not just killing Americans, but we must also be willing to help the wounded. Actually, Herbert's story is another example of why we need better leaderhsip to end this War all together, but that's a different story.
Blogger Commentary
Losing Our Heads. The Cunning Realist brings us an under-the-fence bit of information. Apparently, the International Association of Chiefs of Police have decided that the best way to deal with a suicide bomber is to shoot him/her in the head. They've made that authorization, which will be passed to policemen and women across the world. A suspect might display "nervousness, an unwillingness to make eye contact or excessive sweating." As TCR points out, that's pretty much the population of New York City, who are now being bag searched (well, if you fit the racial profile for the bag checking). Another clear example of Americans sacrificing their ideals and morals to feel safer, because this way is easier.
Republican Blogger Suggest "Fraud" a "Possibility" In Clermont County. Brad brings us a right-wing red-state blogger questions what the heck is going on in Ohio. During the special election last week that saw Paul Hackett lose a close one, even more irregularities were found. We know that the state of Ohio is pretty evenly divided, and we know that the Republican leadership in Ohio is frantic to keep the state a red state, so none of this surprises us. What does surprise us is that nothing's been done yet. The Toledo Blade has been a good source for investigating the problems with voting (and corrupt government in general) in Ohio, but more needs to be looked at.