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December 29, 2005

Monday, July 11, 2005


Monday's Links

Well, we knew it would happen sooner or later. After eight months without missing a day, the Still Fighting machine finally broke down this weekend, literally. Computer glitches, but not lack of effort, caused us to miss the posts this weekend. Don't worry, though, we're not going anywhere!


MD Governor: Racial Discrimination "Not My Business." Really? Then why did Robert Ehrlich veto a plan to allow more rights to homosexuals a few weeks ago (particularly in light of the fact that his chief of staff is gay)? Why did he hold a fundraiser at an all-white club? There's something rotten going on with Ehrlich...oh yeah, he's a racist, corrupt Republican. (These days, it seems that they're the only kind around, even though that can't possibly be true, can it?) He's only interested in Maryland's top 1%. Think Progress (in the title link) has the info, and the link to email Ehrlich and his Lt. Governor, Michael Steele. Let's remind him that we won't tolerate this kind of behavior. After all, if we don't, who will? (Remind him, that is, not tolerate it.)


Lethal Chemicals Stored Near Largest Population Centers. From the "What are they thinking?" files, 100 chemical plants in America (about one-fifth of the total amount) are located near major population centers. Worst-case scenario of a terrorist attack on these plants: One million (or more) casualties. Thanks to Representative Edward J. Markey (D-MA) for putting this information together. Our government has not done enough to demand better safeguards at these locations, and that might be the biggest shame of all. If nothing else, didn't the London attacks teach us that we're still vulnerable? We're especially vulnerable if the Administration refuses to inconvenience big chemical plants at the cost of our safety.

Bush Aide Rove Was Time Reporter's Source. Confirming what we've all known (if only in our guts) for the last week-and-a-half, Newsweek magazine has reported that Karl Rove was one of the "secret sources" that spoke to reporters about Valerie Plame. As Bill Israel writes (a full week ago, nonetheless), this is a gross misuse of the First Amendment. For a White House official to put himself above the law, and then have that White House demand "answers" is one of the most public examples of hypocrisy we've seen so far. We all know that it's illegal to reveal the name of any CIA agent. Yet who wants to take bets that Rove gets off scot-free? Rep. John Conyers has an excellent article written about Rove, in discussing what is "fair game." Hey, Karl - calling liberals unpatriotic? Fair game, if inaccurate. Breaking the law? Not fair game. Learn the difference.

Coast Guard Plagued by Breakdowns. "Making America's borders safer" has been a mantra of Bushco since 9/11. But when push comes to shove, they aren't budging. Take the Coast Guard, for example. Outdated and obsolete equipment, including planes and ships, are breaking down at a record pace. The current plan to have all of this equipment replaced in 20 years just won't cut it. Even Republicans acknowledge that, in order to protect our Borders, more must be done by this administration. In fact, the White House wants to increase the time to replace to 25 years. That's right, they want to take longer! As Michael over at AmericaBlog writes, this would mean that someone born today would graduate college before the White House's plan to upgrade the Coast Guard is finished. Maybe we're not being clear enough, so we'll spell it out: THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION IS NOT INTERESTED AT ALL IN MAKING AMERICA SAFER. Got it? Let's find someone who is.


A Tragedy, And A Failing Strategy. As the Cunning Realist writes, the events in London last week, while tragic, exemplify our failing strategy in Iraq. As long as bin Laden and al-Zawahiri remain free, as long as we continue to fail to negotiate any cease-fire with the insurgency, as long as al Qaeda has reason to fight, these terrorist attacks will continue. We're not politicizing - we're telling it like it is. As TCR says, "Enough already. No more excuses. Find them, get them, kill them. We don't want to hear anymore about how many 'top lieutenants' have been captured or how Al Qaeda's capability is 'greatly diminished.'" We want results. If Porter Goss knows where they are, then why are we sitting on our hands? Is our intelligence that terrible that we can't find the most wanted man in America? You gotta think that might boost Bush's sagging poll numbers.

Time for Robert Novak to Feel Some Chill. In the midst of the Valerie Plame/Karl Rove saga, we mustn't forget Robert Novak, doucheb-err, pundit extraordinaire. As you read Jay Rosen's article, keep in mind that Novak has more information about where Plame's identity came from than Judy Miller and Matt Cooper combined. Yet Novak continues to write, continues to stay out of legal trouble, saying he won't talk about it until after the case is settled. We agree with Rosen - if Novak won't talk, bench him. Keep him off of TV. Don't print his editorials. Put him on leave. Make him learn some scruples the hard way.

Where is the New U.S. Ambassador? Someone needs to remind Bush that there are other countries in the world than Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, China and North Korea. Australia, for example. Australia has been without a U.S. Ambassador for seven months (since Tom Scheiffer was reassigned to Tokyo). Why is that? Is it because Australia doesn't have any oil? Do none of Bush's "mates" want to go? Whatever the reason, this ambassadorship shows just how much Bush regards other countries in the world. When Bush wonders why so many countries have pulled out of the "Coalition of the Willing," all he needs to do is look at how he treats neighboring countries to see the truth.


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