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December 29, 2005

Tuesday, June 21, 2005


Tuesday's Links


Operation Yellow Elephant. Finally! The 56th College Republican Biennial Convention is here! We know you're all excited. You know what's great about college-age kids? They make perfect soldiers. And General J.C. Christian, noted Patriot, is calling on all able-bodied college Republicans to enlist and go fight in the war that they've so enthusiastically supported. Go to the blog and read (above and below the post we linked to) about how you can help the General's campaign around the United States (although the convention is in Alexandria, VA) to expose the hypocrisy of those who want to get Americans killed for their principles, as long as it's not them who gets killed. Operation Yellow Elephant: Because Ranting is Safer Than Enlisting.


Government Collected Airline Passenger Data. The Transportation Safety Administration, the oft-maligned government agency responsible for letting shoe-bombers on aircrafts and losing your luggage has once again managed to make themselves look even worse. You may recall discussions between TSA and Congress that occured last year, where Congress forbade TSA from collection passenger data. Surprise! If you flew on a commercial airliner in June 2004, your name, address, phone numbers, credit card information and hat size were stored in a secret TSA database. TSA is clearly up a creek here, with no leg to stand on. It doesn't matter how secure the data is, or that it's being protected. What matters is that TSA willingly and knowingly violated the privacy rights of Americans, not to mention a direct order of Congress, and they'll probably get off with a slap on the wrist. Again.

Possible Court Nominees Pose a Quandary for Bush. With the Supreme Court's latest decision to overturn a death row inmate's sentence, we are reminded that it is critically important for the Supreme Court (as well as lower circuit and appeals courts) to be as non-partisan as possible. To consist of the most qualified judges available, who will interpret the constitution, not rewrite it. That's why we're so frustrated at Bush's latest "choice." With the impending resignation of Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist because of his failing health, Bush is weighing options for his nominee. The options include two conservatives and...Alberto Gonzales. Bush's potential nomination is all about politics, and not the most qualified candidate. He's debating Gonzales because it would be a good "party" move; mobilizing the Latino voter base and showing a tolerance for minorities. Only...Republicans don't particularly like Gonzales, claiming that he is too moderate. Bolton, Hughes, Wolfowitz...What ever happened to nominating someone for a position who was qualified?

Democrats Block Attempt to Confirm Bolton. Speaking of which, let's check in with John Bolton. When last we left our ill-fated bullying anti-diplomat, the Senate vote for his nomination was being contested by Democrats because the White House would not release information on Bolton's career. Democrats said that they would not allow a vote on Bolton until that information was released. Well, the Senate voted 54-38 for cloture, which is six short of the 60 votes that are needed, which means Bolton will not receive a straight up-or-down vote yet. Democrats promised, Democrats delivered. Democrats have been asking for months now for the information about Bolton's misuse of U.S. intelligence. Conservatives rally around the partisan cry, but the simple truth remains; the White House is witholding information on an extremely important presidential nominee. Bush is threatening to make a recess appointment when Congress adjourns for the summer. Who's partisan now? That information must be quite damning...


Terry Moran vs. Scott McClellan on 'Last Throes' of Insurgency in Iraq. We hear so much BS come from the mouths of our so-called "leaders" that we're not sure what to do when someone publicly calls them on it. Consider Dick Cheney, whose eternal optimism of his soulless mind continues to spew forth this absurd notion that the insurgency is in its "last throes." We're not huge fans of ABC correspondent Terry Moran, but when he repeatedly tried to get White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan to clarify Cheney's comments, McClellan could do nothing but stick to the talking points, which weren't entirely relevant to the question at hand (sound familiar?). Those in charge just love to capitalize on the sound bite, and they know that the press won't take what comes out of a press briefing and turn it into news, so they can get away with garbage like this. This brief editorial by Editor and Publisher shows that extent, and it's just pathetic.

Governor Sonny Perdue (R-GA) Convicted of Ethics Violations. Boy, how bad of a Republican do you have to be to be called on ethics violations in Georgia? As Pragmaddict shows us, the idea that the Southern states are red through-and-through is an untrue notion. Perdue, who, by the way, celebrated his violation by saying that it was a defeat for Democrats (because, you know, every charge they brought against him didn't stick), is now a Governor looking at his state from the outside. His poll numbers are down, and Georgians are starting to look at the party as something other than the be-all end-all of politics. Let's keep that ball rolling.

Where's The Apology? If E.J. Dionne is really expecting an apology from Republicans over their ridiculous attempt to divide the public over Terri Schiavo, he'd better be prepared to wait. Republicans want us to just "move on." Sure they do - everything that they stated about Terri turned out to be false. Incorrect. Untrue. So, rather than admit any error, they instead want to push past it (unless they are in the group of Republicans that still wants to demonize Michael). Senator Frist, in particular, put his medical reputation on the line when he spoke from the Senate floor, saying that he disagreed with the PVS assesment. Then Frist went on This Week to say that he only gave a recommendation, and not a diagnosis. But his recorded remarks from March clearly show him saying that, as a doctor, it is his professional opinion that she was not in a PVS. Yeah, that and 37 cents will get you a copy of the Washington Post. We'd recommend not seeing him as a doctor, even in an emergency. You'd walk into his office, complaining of a migraine, and he'd tell you that the cause is not stress, but rather demonic possession, and you need to start praying a whole lot more. To plagiarize Monty Python, "it's people like him what cause unrest."


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