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December 29, 2005

Saturday, March 26, 2005


Saturday's Links


Normally, we think petitions against companies do not work. Too many people will simply continue to shop there. But when we came across this, we were a little taken aback. Wal-Mart is a sponsor of Good Morning America's "Only in America" series, a series that features the patriotic and brave stories of so many Americans who make this nation better and stronger. But did you know that 70% of all of Wal-Mart's products are made overseas? Did you know that more than 80% of the 6,000 factories in Wal-MartÂ’s database of suppliers are in China? In fact, Wal-Mart is the largest importer of Chinese goods in this country, in any industry. In summary, Wal-Mart is about as American as borscht. We encourage you to go to the above link and sign a petition to ABC News President David Westin, asking him to remove Wal-Mart as a sponsor.


Bush Approval Rating Hits All-Time Low. Is it catty for us to say that a 45% approval rating is still too high? Speculation runs rampant that the Schiavo case lowered Bush's rating from 52% last month. 59% also believe that the economy is getting worse. Wasn't it a mere three months ago that Bush was praising his "mandate?"

Too Little, Too Late. Even stories that don't involve Terri Schiavo involve Terri Schiavo. For example, last Monday, a 16 year old at a school on an Indian Reservation in Red Lake shot nine people before killing himself. Through Friday, Bush was silent about it, causing a huge outrage throughout the Native America community. Today, Bush apologized, but did himself no favors by doing so. Clyde Bellecourt, a Chippewa Indian who is the founder and national director of the American Indian Movement in Red Lake, was very vocal about Bush's response. "He does not have any problems flying in to restore the feeding tube to Terri Schiavo. I'm sure if this happened in some school in Texas and a bunch of white kids were shot down, he would have been there too." The sad thing is, he's probably right.

U.S. to Sell F-16s to Pakistan. It's gotten so bad that we're not even flummoxed by this. Sure, Pakistan and India have been on the precipice of war for years, and the selling angers the Indians, but we realize Bush is going to do what he wants to do. In this case, he doesn't care about a potential war between two other countries - he simply wants to reward a loyal lapdog with a treat, just as he's done with countless others in his administration (Wolfowitz, Bolton, et al). And if he can make some money out of it, so much the better. Don't mistake our lack of surprise as a lack of anger - this is simply maddening. Rice wants the pat on the back for "solidifying relations with Pakistan and India." We're not sure how she thinks we've done both.


A Thin View of "Life." E.J. Dionne Jr. looks at what it actually means to be "pro-life," and how it relates to Terri Schiavo. From Medicaid to Tom DeLay, Republicans are showing a decidedly mixed message, and looking more and more like fools for doing so.

How to Turn Your Red State Blue. This is a little long, but really, what else do you have to do on a Saturday? Christopher Hayes, over at In These Times, has written a fantastic article on growing the Democratic party. He asks and answers, among other questions, "What are progressives doing to win conversions to our faith? Where are our young people on bikes approaching unfamiliar doors? How are we preaching the good news?" Hayes has written a real eye-opening essay here, and we encourage you to read it. Who know, you might be inspired to do work in your neck of the woods!


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