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December 29, 2005

Wednesday, December 29, 2004


Wednesday's Links


American Rights at Work fights for the rights of the American Worker. Click here to send a letter to President Bush, encouraging him to do more to protect workers' rights.


Mississippi: Window into future of abortion debate. If this is the future of the abortion debate, it scares us senseless. There's only one abortion clinic in Mississippi, and look at the results: Less recorded abortions, for sure, but how's the state doing overall? Well, we found the 2003 Ranking for the "Most Livable State", an index that takes into account crime rate, cost of living rates, teenage birth rate, infant mortality, divorce rate, poverty rate, and a number of other factors. We'll give you three guesses where Mississippi falls in the rankings, and the first two don't count. Did you say #50? Bingo! Woe unto us if all of America becomes like Mississippi.

Republicans divided on immigration issues. The President's plan actually would make it a bit easier for undocumented workers to gain citizenship. Some Republican leaders think this is a bad idea. Given that Bush no longer needs the Latino vote, something tells us that this is one of his proposals that's going to get "compromised".
Government corruption cases increase. This isn't a Republican or Democrat problem. It's a problem with us, the voters. We need to hold our elected officials to higher moral standards. Shouldn't the cream, not the scum, rise to the top? You might argue that the increased number of cases mean that we are raising our standards, but it certainly doesn't seem that way recently.


Misrepresenting MLK on Gay Rights. Remember that hideous insert in the Washington Post a while ago that sought to divide gays and blacks? Remember a couple weeks ago when King's daughter led an anti-gay marriage march that began at King's gravesite? Well, Earl Ofari Hutchinson writes a fantastic article explaining exactly why Martin Luther King would have been for gay rights, not against them. This is a must read.

Reporting at Risk. Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT) is rapidly becoming one of our favorites. (That Kerry guy just isn't doing it for us anymore.) Here, he writes about an issue that should concern all of us: The increase in federal subpoenas of reporters that are refusing to reveal their confidential sources. If employees are no longer able to report problems and be guaranteed anonymity, what little corporate accountability we might have now may soon disappear.

Iraq 2004 Looks Like Vietnam 1966 - Adjusting body counts for medical and military changes. Upon getting into this war, some people tried to compare it to Vietnam, and were roundly shouted down as doomsayers. While there is no joy in this, more and more it's looking like they were right. We have no exit strategy, we have no concrete goal, and we have no effective plan for dealing with the insurgency. More troops might help, but still likely won't be enough. It's actually just a total failure of leadership, and the way out is very unclear. But at least we're not losing as many lives as in Vietnam, right? Well, aside from the fact that the war is far from over, Phillip Carter and Owen West provide an analysis that concludes that the intensity of battle on the ground matches that of previous American wars.


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