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December 29, 2005

Thursday, December 23, 2004


Thursday's Links


Privatize This! Go sign the pledge to fight to protect social security. While you're at it, make sure they know how to spell "response" properly. At any rate, Bush is clearly proceeding with his plan to destroy security, and if we want the Dems to take a stand, they need to know how we feel. It won't take long - just sign up!


We've been telling you for several weeks now about the recount in the Washington State governor's race. After the election, the GOP candidate, Dino Rossi, won by 261 votes, which triggered an automatic machine recount. After that recount, his lead dropped down to 42 votes. Democrats paid for a hand recount (using some donations) on December 8th, and are now saying that Christine Gregoire has won the state, although it still appears very close. Rossi will not concede, and it appears that this is headed to court, which could only favor Gregoire. By not letting this issue fade away, and by helping donate money for the recount, concerned citizens made a difference!

Dissention in the Ranks. There are now Republican lawmakers speaking out against privatizing social security, which is the good news. The bad news is that we have Republican lawmakers, like Representative Paul Ryan (R-WI) who are so out of touch with reality that they think young voters will turn against the Dems because, "When they see the Democratic Party trying to oppose giving them access to their own Social Security [investment] account, that's a political winner for us and a loser for them." We're not sure what the heck he's talking about - we have yet to find someone who is genuinely enthusiastic about this plan. Are you? Would privatizing social security make you a little more GOP and a little less Dem? Use the comment link for this post to let us all know!

The most incredible thing about this story is the hypocrisy involved. Not only does it beg the question of nature vs nurture (he had been going to the same school since kindergarten), but he was clearly accepted as a person, and it wasn't until after his homosexuality was made "public" that the school released him. Now, the student says he learned his lesson, and he should always keep his mouth shut. Not a very Christian view, and not a very healthy one. We've said it before, and we'll say it again - it is the job of the government to ensure that the rights of all of American's citizens are safeguarded, and this administration has done a terrible job of it, at best.


Know Thy Enemy. A brief history of the useless sack of cells known as a Senator in Pennsylvania, Republican Rick Santorum. To say his views are as far to the right as possible would be putting it mildly. Sanotrum's seat is up for re-election in 2006, and you can bet we will be doing everything in our power to make sure he does not get re-elected. We urge you to do the same!

Harold Meyerson, of the Washington Post, gives us another look at Bush's Social Security crusade.

The Folly of Our Drug Policies. When we read this, we can't help but wonder about the "drug czar" position in our government, and if the "intelligence czar" will fail just as miserably.


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