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December 29, 2005

Tuesday, November 16, 2004


Tuesday's Links


Adam Cohen gives us a glimpse at what George Lakoff calls "framing," and why the battle of linguistics is every bit as important as who will raise taxes less. Read the editorial, and then buy the book here.

Thanks to The Diner for the idea of linking to Lakoff's book. We apologize for the blatant rip-off, but we're hitting the wall, when it comes to finding activism sites. Please send suggestions - help us help you!


In Sudan, a Sense of Abandonment. We've been focused on the election and Iraq recently, but it's really important to be aware of the atrocities occurring in Sudan. We'd be happy to post Sudan-related activism links if people have suggestions.

You know it's bad when a Senator in your own party calls you out on broken promises from your campaign for the Presidency. John McCain takes George W. Bush to task for his altered stance on climate change.

It's important to remember why Democrats are trying to make the Supreme Court a more balanced Institution, and cases like this really hammer the point home. It's vital to know that, even though the Supreme Court only hears 10% of the cases petitioned, it exists to catch blatant disregard for the law from lower courts, such as the case referenced above.


Why Powell Had To Go. Slate's Fred Kaplan looks at the sad story of Powell's slide into ignominy, and also at how likely replacement Condoleeza Rice will fare.

Howard Dean has our vote for the next chairman of the DNC. Just read about his vision for America's education system.


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